John Michael Hinton Blows Penn & Teller Away with "Easiest Way to Solve a Rubik's Cube"
Starting from a young age, John wanted to make friends as a kid growing up in Saudi Arabia where his pale complexion and bright red hair didn’t quite fit the norm. When his father began teaching John how to do magic tricks, he saw it as a way to bridge the gap and start forming those relationships.
Ever since then, John has been using magic to make friends all around the world. On Monday, July 16, he added Penn and Teller of the CW’s Penn & Teller: Fool Us to that list.
After taking the stage with his signature confidence and charisma, John warmed up with something most of us will never be able to do. He took a jumbled up Rubik’s cube and solved it in the blink of an eye, flooring audience members and earning respectful yet knowing nods from Penn and Teller. After handing the cube over to the master magicians to prove its normalcy, it was on to the pièce de résistance.
“Does anyone know what this is?” John asked the audience as he poured what appeared to be little colorful squares onto the table. “Yes, it’s the easiest way to solve a cube, right? You take the stickers off!”
As the audience giggled in agreement, John pulled out a paper bag containing a sticker-less cube and proceeded to show it to the room. Adding all the ingredients of the trick back into the bag, he then shook what was, only moments before, a bunch of stickers and a naked cube.
Then he tore open the bag, revealing a fully solved Rubik’s cube before everyone’s very eyes.
There were no extra stickers or blank cubes to be found. Only a solved cube and perplexed looks from Penn and Teller. John gave the cube to the duo of judges, and took a bow.
While John didn’t have Penn and Teller completely fooled in the end, they were beyond impressed by his choice of trick and his talent.
“The second one blew our minds so much,” Penn told John. “You deserved every bit of applause you got.”
And there’s nothing tricky about that.
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